Thursday, May 13, 2010

chemotherapy cycle 1, day 14

This week, Jason received his cehmotherapy on Wednesday.  The hem/onc clinic was overbooked for Thursday, so they called me and asked us to come in 1 day early.  Because of possible neuropathy from vincristine, Jason continued to receive 1/2 dose of vincristine this week.  He still cannot bear weight on his legs and feet.. and cannot stand up or pull himself up at all.  Hopefully, with the dose of vincristine reduced, he will soon get better...
Last night, Jason was in a good mood =)... uncommon to be in a good mood right after the chemotherapy.. but he was quite playful and wanted to try to eat an apple that I was eating..haha..
of course, he didn't "eat" the apple, he basically tasted little bit of the apple by scraping it with his teeth.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!
    It's amazing he actually wanted the apple.
    I'm glad to see Jason doing/improving day by day.
    Keep up the good luck Jason !
