Thursday, September 23, 2010

chemotherapy cycle 4

Jason started cycle #4 of his chemotherapy last week.  Today was the 2nd week, and he tolerated well.
Mommy was sick with a cold so daddy went to the clinic together.  =)
Today, 7 times Tour de France champion and a cancer survivor Lance Armstrong came to the Children's National Medical center to visit kids with cancer... and guess what, we had a chance to talk to him and take some pictures!! =) 
Mr. Amrstrong looking at Jason

taking picture w/ Mr. Lance Armstrong

Jaon is doing much better.  Now he can walk with holding mommy/daddy's hands.  If mommy/daddy let go of his hands, he can still take about 10 steps on his own.   He has his ankle brace that he can wear.. he hates it but we will continue to try it on while he's sleeping.

This video clip was taken yesterday.. he's walking along the rail/holding the rail.  =)  Sorry for the tilted image. turn your head or turn your computer screen.  =P

This was taken on the same day.. Jason is "playing" the piano.  He loves to play the piano..soon we have to start the piano lesson! =P

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