Sunday, August 29, 2010

Finished 3rd cycle of chemo

Jason finished 3rd cycle of chemotherapy last Thursday.. Almost 3 weeks of break from now!!
His ANC (absolute neutrophil count) was low so he could only get 75% of the carboplatin.
The ANC was worse last week, only around 250.. so he could not get carboplatin at all.
This week's ANC was little bit up, a little over 500, which is still low.. that's why he only received 75% of the carboplatin.  Carboplatin is known to cause myelosuppression, causing all the blood cell counts to decrease.
Low ANC means that his white blood cell counts are low.. which means that his immune system is quite weak..therefore higher risk for infection.  Doctors warned us about any episode of fever, in which case Jason needs to come in to hospital to receive broad spectrum antibiotics.
Luckily, he's been doing fine without any signs of fever.. thank God.
Little information about low ANC and neutropenia..
Neutropenia basically means low number of neutrophils which are type of white blood cells.

Mild neutropenia (1000 <= ANC < 1500) — minimal risk of infection
Moderate neutropenia (500 <= ANC < 1000) — moderate risk of infection
Severe neutropenia (ANC < 500) — severe risk of infection

So Jason is quite severely neutropenic, which put him at a severe risk of infection... wow..but like I said.. he's been doing fine (fingers crossed).

Jason had his initial evaluation for physical therapy at the Kennedy Krieger Institute on 07/28.  They suggested that we use a brace for his right ankle/foot or serial casting to stretch his right ankle muscle which is severely tightened and curved inward.  Then we had our 1st appointment 2 weeks ago, the therapist couldn't work with Jason much since he was crying and fussing alot, going crazy....They tried to put a cast on his right leg to make the brace but couldn't do it because Jason resisted so much.. not much done..disappointed...
And last Wednesday, we went there again, this time, I went there all prepared..brought some very sedating anti-nausea medicine.. which I gave to Jason just before they put cast on him.  It worked and he slept through while they got a cast/mold of his right leg successfully so that they can now make a brace for his right ankle.. haha..
It will take about 2-3 weeks to get the brace made..(long long time!!!) then Jason will have to wear it everyday to help stretch out his tightened right ankle muscle..  But honestly, I don't know if Jason can keep it on or not..
He doesn't even tolerate socks or shoes... hew...=(
Anyways.. these are what's been happening with Jason lately...
I am kinda disappointed that physical therapist at KKI couldn't work with Jason too much..she took Jason to treatment room while I was waiting outside.. we thought that me not being in the treatment room might be better, because when I am there, Jason always comes to me crying and don't want to do anything with the therapist.  So we tried.. I waited outside, while the therapist took Jason inside the treatment room..
Result??? she came out almost right away.. because Jason was crying so much and vomited all over!! haha..
I really don't think this physical therapy thing will work out....
Oh, by the way, Jason is trying hard to stand up by himself without holding onto anything..yay! and he's been cruising along the furnitures (sofa, table etc) and trying to climb up the stairs, too.  =)


  1. I am glad that Jason finished his 3rd chemo. Hope he will get stronger during 3 weeks off to get ready for the 4th round...
    Too bad for the Pysical least he is trying himself.
    Good work Jason! God bless Jason and Michelle(..)

  2. I hope Jason gets stronger & his blood counts gets better. Good luck with his new brace, but am really glad he is starting to cruise around the sofa by himself :)
