Friday, October 29, 2010

Ophthalmology appointment Jason had an ophthalmology appointment.  We've been going to the Children's hospital for the past 3 days! and I am really tired now.. each time it is at least 1.5 hours of driving to the hospital in the horrific DC metro morning traffic..exhausting..
Anyway, today's eye appointment was set up urgently yesterday because of Jason's MRI finding.. the increase in the ventricle size/worsening of hydrocephalus..
His neuro-oncologist wanted to make sure that increase in cranial pressure is not affecting Jason's eye nerves.  It was a long appointment.. and quite traumatic to Jason.
His eyes were dilated with eye drops and the doctors wanted to see behind his eyes to check for any swelling of the optic nerves but of course, Jason won't stay still so he was wrapped with a sheet and strapped to a bed with lots of velcros so he won't move around.  =(
He hated this so much he cried and vomited during the exam.
After going through all these trauma, at least the result is good.  No swelling of the eye nerves were found.  Eye doctors think the increase in ventricle size/worsening hydrocephalus is not causing any damages to Jason's eye nerves.. good..

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